ebocube model

Internet Marketing Model for Growth in B2b Global Markets

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Book from FT Press presents the framework “ebocube” for Internet business-to-business marketing necessary for growth in global markets.

Business today is not what it was yesterday. The world’s rapid-growth emerging markets will drive resurgence in global growth and the Internet is enabling businesses to expand rapidly into these markets. We can send information across the globe in an instant, and we can virtually be in the same room as clients on another continent with holographic video conferencing- why aren’t more global leaders using this technology? But it’s easy for digital novelties to lead to information overload, and business managers can quickly get lost while trying to market over the Internet in new markets.

Fast growth markets include Brazil; Russia, India, and China, business leaders have identified these opportunities and are eager to penetrate these markets. What B2b marketing managers lack is a model for using the Internet to successfully communicate business products and to develop leads in new markets. Foreseeing this need, international online campaign manager Lara Fawzy developed the first tested end-to-end b2b Internet marketing strategy laid out in her book,Emerging Business Online: Global Markets and the Power of B2B Internet Marketing (FTPress, ISBN 13: 9780137064410, 291) Available on Amazon, Hardback and Kindle version)

This framework, based on Cisco and other multinational experience, articulates, measures, and guides the complete process of Internet-based business development through a unique model called ‘ebocube’. The book reveals how to integrate all stages of Internet marketing, offline and sales, reduce risks, focus on better opportunities, and create significant new value in today’s fastest-growing markets.

“Global business managers and staff desperately need flexible and adaptable frameworks that demystify sales and marketing practices as relationships criss-cross digital, business, and national borders,” the authors write. “The ebocube model closes the loop between Internet marketing, offline and sales in new global markets.”

The ebocube model is designed to provide electronic customer relationship management (CRM) for global professionals. The structure is a low-cost, sustainable business-to-business system based on metrics and data collection, underpinned by the Internet. The ebocube methodology can be implemented with the following three phases:

• Phase One—The Dashboard and The Datacube: This phase focuses on reporting on marketing metrics, including leads, sales, and company or contact data for the businesses you’re targeting in new markets. The dashboard reports on all of your metrics for all your marketing and sales results for all your campaigns, which is enabled by operational tools and Internet marketing metrics. The datacube provides reports and views of information contained in your contact database for companies and marketable contacts. A company dashboard and datacube means business decisions are not based on instinct or assumption, but on numbers and business intelligence.

• Phase Two—Campaign and Data Planning: Phase two discusses the proposition, messaging, the incentive, localization, budgeting, and integrating media mix (online and offline) to achieve traditional buying cycle goals in new markets.

• Phase Three, Marketing Operations Demonstration: In phase three businesses execute, track, and measure campaigns to feed the dashboard with meaningful metrics, and feed their company database, which can be represented in the datacube. Phase three closes the loop on marketing, data, and sales in new global markets. In global business, entering new markets, new technologies, and the limitless world of the

Internet can make online marketing an excruciating task. ebocube model addresses the needs of global marketers in the coming decades with tested results and an employable formula. Emerging Business Online provides the necessary strategies all marketing managers need to effectively enter global markets with low risk and high return.

Check out an excerpt of the book online at:


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